Our vision is to build a reference framework in Africa to catalyze cooperation, inclusive dialogue, governance and the development of innovative solutions on water.

The mission of the PED is to promote the development of skills and practices at the local and regional levels to encourage integrated water resources management based on the strengthening of hydro-diplomacy and peace.
One of the Pole’s priority missions is to contribute to the improvement of communication between water and peace actors; and to the dissemination of good practices and tools. Considering the existing platforms and initiatives that constitute a breeding ground for knowledge, the PED will facilitate access to and dissemination of relevant information on cooperation and water diplomacy.
The PED also aims to advocate for secure access to water (security of infrastructure, diversification of sources). The PED proposes to contribute to the promotion and enhancement of cooperation and hydro-diplomacy efforts in West Africa. It will serve as a means of spreading relevant knowledge, tools and methods to strengthen transboundary water cooperation.
Strengthening cooperation and peace around water
The commitment of the PED aims to respond to relevant challenges at the sub-regional and global levels by ensuring that the Global Observatory for Water and Peace is anchored in West Africa. This international mechanism for water diplomacy stems from the recommendations of the High-Level World Panel on Water and Peace, of which Senegal has assumed the vice-presidency. It takes the form of a network of organizations with the expertise to develop hydro-diplomacy analyses and the reputation and diplomatic skills to bring together stakeholders to address sensitive water policy issues. The Pole Eau Dakar aims to be a framework for exchange and multi-stakeholder dialogue for good transboundary governance, to promote and enhance cooperation and hydro-diplomacy efforts in West Africa.
Promotion of collaborative water resources management and knowledge and research management initiatives
The Pole Eau Dakar aims to provide support to Senegalese and sub-regional issues related to water and peace. Through its direct involvement in knowledge development, capacity building and innovation, the Pole Eau Dakar aims to contribute significantly to improving water governance in Senegal and in the transboundary basins shared with its neighboring countries. It will also catalyze in the region the good practices carried out internationally. On the basis of the network of competences constituted by the partner organizations, the cluster will constitute a platform for creating opportunities for collaboration between stakeholders in order to produce and/or share knowledge through training or research programs. In its networking logic, the P.E.D. is made up of academic and non-academic organizations from universities and other organizations in Senegal and the sub-region. The consolidation of this think tank will be done through the collaboration of sub-regional and international expertise.
Serving as a watchdog platform and “think tank”
Through the creation of a "Safe Space" for inclusive dialogue between regional and international actors, the PED will function as a monitoring platform for conflict management and prevention. It will thus contribute to the consolidation of peace and security around water resources. By focusing on strengthening hydro-diplomacy, the PED is embarking on a process of prevention and resolution of water-related conflicts that applies to inter-state contexts as well as to inter-sectoral issues or to local conflicts of use. The latter may be in a context of water resources shared between distinct states or within a single state.