In the wake of 9th World Water Forum, OMVS and its partners (Geneva Water Hub, Pole Eau de Dakar, Milk Music…) present « Voice of the River, Path to Peace ». Aiming to initiate a dialogue between the major development axes of the Senegal River Basin, the societal dynamics and the local entrepreneurship related to water, the project will conceive innovative solutions by gathering local populations, artists, personalities, experts and the basin organization. On this, the project will focus on a reflection on the fundamental questions of the relationship between the stakes of uses for large regional infrastructures and the socio-economic life of local populations.
Indeed, between November 2021 and January 2022 in Mboumba, community reflections at the crossroads of development and peace issues will be organized in the Senegal River basin in order to mobilize local opinions. Also, the results will include a reading grid of projects with an integrative and equitable value of local interests. And the works produced will be used to carry the messages on water and peace of the riparian populations of the River and the actors of this dialogue until the 9th World Water Forum in March 2022 in Dakar.
The objective of the Voice of the River, Path to Peace is to organize a strategic and creative reflection on water-related issues between local populations, OMVS leaders and experts in water management and adaptation to climate change in order to strengthen peace in the basin.